“Dario Jucker is unique among all the attorneys with whom I have ever worked concerning issues of intellectual property rights and forgeries of artists’ work. As Director of the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, I have been responsible for the legacy of these two great Bauhaus-trained artists for over forty years. There are few individuals who have provided as much practical and personal support. Dario (we Americans tend to use first names) is a person of the highest principles, true to the moral code that was essential to both Anni and Josef Albers, and he has extraordinary knowledge of the laws involving art works and their falsification in various countries. This is a rare capacity, given how much those laws vary in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, England, the U.S., and other countries where the issue of fakes is a serious one, and the legal situation different in each place. Not only in that realm, but in other legal matters, the depth and breadth of his knowledge are remarkable, as is his humanity. Dario is meticulous, ever efficient, tactful, and utterly correct; beyond that, he is a person of kindness, warmth, and rare natural charm. Having him represent our Foundation is one of the greatest luxuries of our existence; he instills in all who work with him a well-earned confidence. Moreover, his manner, insight, and rare capacity for articulation, make every meeting and the myriad of tasks he has done on our behalf a step forward in furthering the goals of the Albers Foundation”
Nicholas Fox Weber Executive Director The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation